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Manalapan: Sheriff Shaun Golden wants first grade students to learn how to dial 9-1-1 properly through the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office SEEK (Sheriff’s Emergency Education for Kids) 9-1-1 program. On Jan. 13, first graders from the Lafayette Mills School in Manalapan were presented with SEEK 9-1-1, which is offered to elementary schools throughout Monmouth County.

“The importance of using the 9-1-1 emergency call number is vital to public safety,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “The goal of SEEK 9-1-1 is to teach children how to get help quickly for their own safety and for their families.”

The SEEK 9-1-1 program includes a fun video featuring animated characters who learn how the 9-1-1 system works. Instructor Richard Eisenbeis who conducts the program through the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office gives the students an overview of when to dial 9-1-1, and, provides them with a hands on interactive session using telephone simulators to role play various emergency scenarios. Scenarios include what happens when a child hangs up without speaking to a 9-1-1 public safety telecommunicator, handling an injury, what to do if you are home alone and see a prowler and when it is not appropriate to call 9-1-1.

The Monmouth County 9-1-1 Communications Center serves 45 of the county’s 53 municipalities and receives approximately 1,600 calls per day.

A large percentage of the 9-1-1 calls received are wrong numbers, prank calls, hang ups or non-emergencies. During the presentation, SEEK 9-1-1 instructors emphasize the appropriate times to call 9-1-1 and when other non-emergency phone numbers should be used.

“The sheriff’s office is committed to safety and youth education and we’re proud to make the SEEK 9-1-1 program available to the Lafayette Mills School,” said Sheriff Golden. “It’s important for students and adults to remember to SEEK 9-1-1 during an emergency.”

News Release-Sheriff’s Office Stresses Child Safety through SEEK 9-1-1