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Sheriff’s Office Mileage for Service | Fees for Service of Process

Each of these units serves an important function and are all interconnected. There are 6 personnel presently assigned to the Process Unit – 3 civilian part-time employees, 1 full time civilian employee and 2 Sheriff’s Officers. The Office Support Staff consists of 10 civilians, each assigned to a specific area.

Under direction, a Process Server performs the field and office work required in serving and executing Writs, other legal papers, the posting of sale notices and other documents directed by the court. The County is divided into 12 geographic areas, designated by zip code in the computer. Officers are held accountable and responsible for their designated area. The Officers work a semi-flexible schedule to facilitate service.

Criminal Grand Jury and Family papers are also assigned by zip code. Evictions and Property Seizures are geographically assigned.

Summons and Complaints

732-431-6400 X1117

This department handles the largest volume of paperwork in the office. This unit prepares for service all summons, complaints, orders, subpoenas, etc. The following writs are also processed through this department: writs of possession, (including the scheduling of evictions once the writs are served), writs of attachment, writs of replevin, and various subpoenas.

The unit handles all the returns of service for the above mentioned papers, plus returns all summons, writs, etc. to the various courts. Due to the volume of service that is handled by this unit there is constant phone contact with law offices pertaining to the status of service and all other concerns generated by this process.

This department also handles a tremendous volume of papers from out of state attorneys and occasionally papers from out of the country.


732-431-6400 X1149

This unit handles all writs of execution pertaining to foreclosure of homes, businesses, property, etc. Each writ received is scheduled for sale, set up for advertising and notices of sale are posted. Prior to each sale date, adjournments will be processed, settlements and cancellations will transpire and bankruptcy petitions will be processed. After a sale is effectuated, the files will be closed out, writs returned to court and deeds prepared. This department handles large telephone volume from defendants, attorneys and bank representatives.

General Writs – Levies

732-431-6400 X1106 or X1136

This department is broken down into two (2) distinct units. The first is the levy department that handles all writs of execution for personal property; cars, business assets, levy on real estate, bank accounts, and moneys due. Monies due entails a certain amount of files with which we have an on going account, similar to the way employer payments are handed in wages. Monies are collected until the judgment is satisfied and the writ is returned to court.

The sale of personal items levied on is also handled through this department. A sale takes place at the home, business or other designated area. A process server handles these sales. Items are sold, the paperwork is finalized and a bill of sale is given to the successful purchaser.

In the levy section there is a tremendous amount of telephone contact with attorneys, defendants, and bank representatives as well as other concerned parties.

The second unit under the levy department is writs of execution against wages. The main responsibility of this unit is the posting of employer payments to defendant files. There is a lot of phone contact in this department, especially with law firms and defendant’s employers. As in all writs of execution, when the judgments are satisfied they are returned to court, unless otherwise indicated by the attorney representing the plaintiff.

This department also handles orders to produce and warrants on indictments.


732-431-6400 X1109

The bookkeeping department processes all monies received by each department within the office. They are responsible for disbursing all checks required by each department, i.e., newspaper bills, attorney refunds, attorney disbursements for wages, etc. In connection with processing all checks, they also perform bank reconciliation every month. Trial balances are performed at the end of each month.

In addition to handling monies from the departments within our office, bookkeeping also handles all petty cash and grand jury disbursements.